Monday, April 27, 2009

Pajama Day!!

Sunday we had pajama day. It was rainy and cold all day. The kids have been fighting a cold for a week now so we were not able to go to Church all together. Jason decided to make a fort with the kids with every last blanket in the house and all our furniture downstairs. It ended up being the best fort we have ever built yet with the kids. They had alot of fun!! Jason had just as much fun as they did. I went to Church myself and when I got home 2 hours later they were still playing in the fort. It ended up being a fun rainy day!!


Sandy Schut said...

Hi Isabelle and Gideon...a pajama day how clever...grandma needs one of those too. I'll leave the forts to you and your dad...but it sounds like fun. Good to see your smiles even though you have colds.
love you. Grandma and Papa

Tripp said...

Uh I wish that I could have played in the fort with those two punkins!