Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1 Month.

It has one month already in north dakota. It has gone by pretty fast but it doesn't seem to get any easier from being away from you all. We have found some beautiful country out here. It just amazes me!! We haven't quite reached spring yet. We are so ready!! We have also found out that it gets incredibly windy out here. Some days there is no need to do the hair!! It has been a blessing to have work again. Jason is happy at his job. He has met some nice guys. He has adjusted quite well. He does work some long days!! He has been averaging about 58-60 hours a week. It has been hard for him to not spend time with the kids until the weekend. He starts on walls Thursday and will take over foreman job in about 2-4 weeks. The kids have adjusted very well. It has been a very hard transition for me. I find myself cring quite a bit and asking why?, why?. Then my precious Isabelle will come and comfort and say"it's ok mom, no more cry". Also I will get a little blessing to pick me up. Sometimes it is hard to see what God is doing because we can't see the big picture yet. All I know I have complete faith that he brought us here for a wonderful reason and we will keep adventuring, I will admit I am still scared. I have wanted to give up many times but I came across this passage that keeps me going.
2 Corinthians: 4
We hurt sometimes,but we are not we do not give up. Our physical body is becoming older and weaker,but our spirit inside us is made new everyday. We have small troubles for a while now,but they are helping us gain an eternal glory that is much greater than the troubles. We set our eyes not on what we can see but on what we cannot see.
We are excited to see what this next month brings. We love all of you and miss you all very much!! We thank you all very much for all the support and prayers!! It is such a blessing to have such wonderful family and friends!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pajama Day!!

Sunday we had pajama day. It was rainy and cold all day. The kids have been fighting a cold for a week now so we were not able to go to Church all together. Jason decided to make a fort with the kids with every last blanket in the house and all our furniture downstairs. It ended up being the best fort we have ever built yet with the kids. They had alot of fun!! Jason had just as much fun as they did. I went to Church myself and when I got home 2 hours later they were still playing in the fort. It ended up being a fun rainy day!!