Thursday, January 14, 2010

Snow Days.

Here we are climbing up our big hill in the front yard.
Isabelle has been enjoying eating the snow this year.

We had to put snowballs in our sled and take them for a walk.

Jason made a little fort for the kids.....Gideon has been under the weather and not sure about it all.

The kids were enjoying having a snowball fight with Daddy.
The weather has been perfect this week... we took full advantage of it and spent alot of our time outside. It sure was a nice break from the cold. Jason and I had just as much fun as the kids. It is amazing what your body gets used too. It has been in the 20s-30s and we feel like spring just hit....almost wanted to start spring cleaning.

1 comment:

Tripp said...

I am so glad that you guys have had the opportunity to get outside!