Friday, May 13, 2011

Preschool end of the year open house.

Isabelle had a end of the year program for parents.

They sang us songs they learned this year. Isabelle was a little nervous.

They sang us their dinosaur song. It was adorable.

Isabelle's teacher is amazing. She is so creative and has so much patent's. Isabelle has blossomed so much since she started school.

We also got to do a craft with the kids and watch a movie Mrs. Ruud made of the last year. She measured the kids at the begining of the year and the end. Isabelle was one that grew the most...the funny thing is Isabelle had the same shirt on both times.

It was so fun watching her sing and seeing her on this movie....tears just rolled down my face...when she got sick at 18 months old the doctor's thought she wouldn't be able to start school until she was 5 or 6 and we would have to be careful. She has been healthy for almost three years now and going to daycare and school. God is good!! I just can't believe how fast these years are going by.

Mother's day.

On mother's day we went out adventuring. We had a picnic and this historical park in Minot.

The kids were dancing together by the fountain.We all had a Nice time. This park is just beautiful and we even learned about some history. On past mother's day I usually get some time to myself but this was Jason's last weekend that he would be home for awhile. So we spent the day together. My favorite part of the day was Gidder fell asleep on me while we were watching a movie...very blessed. It was a nice day.

Circus 2011.

I went to the circus with Isabelle and her class. Her teacher bought them all a candy bar and Isabelle picked out strawberry shortcake doll.

Isabelle's favorite act was the tigers.

Here is the whole class that went. It was so nice to be able to go with her. My favorite part was riding the school bus with her, she even let me sit by her....brought back alot of memories and made me realize how old I am getting.