Friday, January 1, 2010

9 Months.

We have reached nine months here in north Dakota. It sure has been a cold one. I don't think I have ever experienced this cold before. We also experienced our first storm.....we were snowed in for a couple of days. This month we got to celebrate the kid's birthday....I love to plan and give them a party. I still can't believe how time is flying by. They are growing up so fast. We had our first Christmas here. It was a very nice day. God blessed us with some company.....we were able to share our dinner with them. Amazing things happened with our company...we were able to share our faith with them and now it has ended up that we will be having our own little Bible study here at our house. I am so excited!!!
Jason has been still working alot....I don't know how he does it in this cold. He has two walls left and hopefully he will be working inside for the rest of the winter.
Isabelle turned 3 this month....I just can't believe it. She loved her birthday and Christmas this year. It was so much fun for her. She didn't quite get the whole Christmas idea...she always asked when we get to go see baby Jesus. This month my favorite is she loves everything. If we are getting ready to eat she gets excited and says "oh I love pizza" or whatever we are having. It seems like everything we do she "Loves". She has gotten pretty attached to her Dad again. She will ask when is he coming home and say " Mom I love my Dad" just melts my heart.
Gideon turned 2 this little bud is growing up fast!! He sure loved having his birthday party. Especially when we took the balloons down and he got to play with them. He was a little stinker this month with the Christmas tree, I don't know how many times I found ornaments under the cushion of the couch and I also got out of the shower and found some presents that were opened from MR. Gideon. My favorite this month is everything is "Cool dude".
It has been an emotional month with the holidays but God has given us so many blessing this month. We have fully enjoyed all our extra family time that we have been given to. It was so fun to do all the Christmas stuff with the kids and start our new traditions as a family. We look forward to see what this new year will bring for our family and We wish A very Happy New Year to all of you!!!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas storm 2009.

We got our first big snow storm over the holiday.
We had 40 mph winds and 17 inches of snow. We were snowed in for two days. As you can see we had a snow drift about 7 inches tall.

On Sunday it was nice enough for the kids to play outside. Jason made a walk way for the kids...they had so much fun. Isabelle was amazed by all the snow.

We did some sledding in our driveway with our big snow hill.

Jason had to go get the loader from work to get our driveway cleaned up. I am still amazed by this storm. Everything got shut down for a day but walmart. Our neighbor took me to walmart to get a heavy duty shovel, the roads were terrible...there was only one pathway to get threw the roads and some were completely snowed in. I am learning when it really snows out here, it takes awhile to get everything cleaned up...they aren't used to all this snow. It was nice being snowed in, we got to spend more time as a family and we had a couple of neighbors that came over to visit.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Our Christmas.

Christmas eve morning we opened our stockings. The kids thought it was pretty cool to find goodies in a big sock as Gideon said.
Christmas eve night we had our cheese and crackers and watched our Christmas movie....Gideon did some talking to Aunt Ton.

Isabelle and Gideon got this train table from Grandma, Pa, and us. Jason and I put it together the night was so fun to see the kids faces when they came downstairs.

The kids sure did enjoy opening all their presents.

We made a nice big ham dinner and enjoyed two guests, we ended our night with cake for baby Jesus. It was hard being away from family but God blessed our day in so many ways.