Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gideon's 2nd Birthday.

My sweet little buddy is 2.

We had a little birthday party for the kids last weekend and he just loved his new bike.

He helped make his cake this year, he was very excited to have cake and wear the birthday crown.

He blew out his two big candles all by himself.

I don't know where the last two years went. I can clearly remember rushing to the hospital two years ago in a blizzard....remembering his sweet little face for the first time. It has been a absolute joy watching this sweet little boy grow up. I love his laughter,his humor,his imagination,his love for animals and trucks,and absolutely love how he is so cuddly and wants to give everyone hugs and kisses. As I am a little sad that he is growing up and doesn't have any baby to him anymore I feel very blessed by my little man!!

1 comment:

Tripp said...

Happy Birthday little man, love u!