We made some fall cookies . Gideon enjoyed eating them a little more than decorating them.

Isabelle loves baking,especially when she gets to lick the frosting.

We made some pumpkins and glued pasta to them for their faces. Isabelle had a ball.

We also made some leaves and acorns and glued pasta to them. Gideon did a very good job too. We put their beautiful art work on our front window. The kids go over to the window and remind almost everyday that they made those pumpkins and leaves.
Love the green lips and even a littel by his ear :)
I like that you put your crafts on display in the window! Hey - when do we get to see some pictures of you?
Ya Sarah I agree with your sister! I remember when I was a little girl we went out and picked lots of pretty colored leaves and I took them upstairs to our bedroom and taped them all on the wall and then made a tree trunk and branches of black construction paper...it was so fun and I don't remember my mom being mad???? I'm glad you have craft days with the grandbabies...oh they are so precious!
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