Sunday, May 24, 2009

First date.

We went our first date last night. We found a wonderful college girl to watch our kids. We decided to go to killdeer and go explore. Killdeer is about 35 miles south of Dickinson. We went to the little Missouri state park. We found amazing badlands!! We went up and down trails and roads for about an hour and a half. There were miles and miles of the badlands. This was one of the most magnificent creation we have seen so far in north dakota. These pictures do not show the true beauty of these badlands. On our way back to Dickinson we saw alot of wildlife along side of the road. I get more and more amazed of this beautiful state and the different wildlife.


Tripp said...

I am so glad that you guys had some time to yourself. You deserve it. Isn't it amazing how many cool things God created out there that we have been missing.

mom Schut said...

I think I want to go to see those bad lands too...beautiful pictures...thanks for sharing your date with bad you didn't find some bad lands people to take a picture of you too. :)

Robin said...

YEAAAHHHH!!! I am SO excited that you found someone to babysit the kids so you could get out as a couple and spend some good quality time together! that is a BEAUTIFUL area!!